пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Paying fees, taxes is just a computer click away

Portland Press Herald (Maine)
Paying fees, taxes is just a computer click away
Edition: Final
Section: Your Neighbors-South


Rapid Renewal service in Maine has grown considerably, processing nearly 15,000 online registration renewals so far this year. The service includes 50 municipalities representing 36 percent of Maine's population.

With the launch of its own online Rapid Renewal, Scarborough is the 50th municipality to offer a quicker, more convenient way to pay fees and taxes.
The town's residents will be able to pay their municipal excise tax and registration fee from their home, office or any location with Internet access. Residents of Cape Elizabeth and South Portland also have access to the Rapid Renewal service.

The service is available through www.sosonline.org or through municipal Web sites:

Cape Elizabeth: www.capeelizabeth.com

Scarborough: www.scarborough.me.us

South Portland: www.southportland.org

Copyright 2003 Blethen Maine Newspapers Inc.

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